Lead & Follow
Lead & Follow offers a candid discussion of teamwork, collaboration, and professional development. Host Sharna Fabiano talks with educators, consultants, and professionals to explore the relational dance between leadership and followership, and how to become excellent in both roles.
Lead & Follow
Natural Followership - Christian Monö
Christian Monö is a Speaker, Author and Sweden’s first and only followership expert.
In this episode, he shares what he has discovered in more than 15 years exploring what he calls “natural followership." We discuss how our human ancestors self-organized in egalitarian band societies, and also how the leadership industry is affecting people, businesses and societies today. Among Chris' clients are the Swedish Armed Forces, and he has a new book coming out in English in 2024.
“[Natural followership] is the process of how people instinctively follow each other without being guided by formal rules or regulations.”
“We like to follow people who can help us get where we already want to go.”
“As soon as you create an environment in which people feel they are not free, they will start reacting to it.”
“In natural followership the group sets the vision not a leader.”
“When it comes to changing the world it’s not the leaders who do it; it’s the followers.”
Episode References
Robert Kelley, Power of Followership
Valve Software
Björn Lundén Information
Connect with Chris Monö
Website - https://www.followership.se/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/christian-monoe/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/followership.se/
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